Journal Archive from October


October 1-10, 2001

A serious catch-up on my Journal. It sure has been a busy month so far. For the trials scene there have been many demos happening, a pretty cool EFTA final except for losing the cell phone at it, and some fun practice sessions. Over the past week I have been touching up my demo section making it look all new again. I have been getting some ideas on making a few new obstacles for next season. Trevor, Andy, Tim, Chris all have been throwing out allot of cool obstacles ideas, so hopefully some of them will come to life over the winter. This past weekend was a trip to Buffalo to help Tim and Kathy get settled into their new house. Friday afternoon Tim and I hitched up the trailer full of Tim's stuff and headed to their new home. Very nice, just hope Tim gets used to the cold! Wooo-hooo, put it this way, it was snowing on my way home Sunday morning!

This weekend I have my last two shows of the season. I can't imagine who quickly the season flies by. On Saturday you can catch us at the SuperCup Cyclocross event in Gloucester, MA. Click here for more info. Then on Sunday for the NEMBA Fall Fiesta in Glastonbury, CT. Going to be a great time!

On other thoughts for some cool music, check out DANG Central. This is one incredible band! My boss from work is the lead vocalist and plays acoustic among many other instruments. Check 'em out if they come to your area.

Other than that, I think that kind of sums up the last few weeks in a nutshell. After this weekend things will calm down a bit, but the only downfall is I won't have anything else interesting to write!